Author Archives: CalderonTowAdmin

What are Mechanical Factors Causing Car Accidents in Fairfield, CA? Brake Failure & More

During your time on the road, the last thing everyone wants is to have a mechanical issue occur. It’s infinitely more dangerous if you’re behind the wheel when it happens, as experiencing your vehicle malfunctioning is never pleasant. Whenever possible, in order to help you avoid common mechanical issues, we at Calderon Tow & Auto…

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What Happens if Your Car Breaks Down in a Garage? Towing from Low Clearance Parking Lot

Vehicle breakdowns are quite common and occur in numerous scenarios. In some cases, towing your car can be very difficult, and in others, fairly simple. One of the most difficult circumstances is when towing is needed in a low-clearance parking garage. Since as special equipment and towing trucks are required to deal with such vehicles,…

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