Driving on healthy tires is critical when it comes to the safety of your vehicle. Usually over time and use, motorist will drive on balding tires all too often. If only to save a few bucks, they neglect the need to replace the tires. The dangers of driving on balding tires are what we at Calderon Tow & Auto would like to stress today.
How Do You Know if Your Tires are Bald?
The signs of bald tires are what we would like to touch on before we tackle the dangers of driving with bald tires. Recognizing the signs can play a significant role to help your awareness of replacing problematic tires.
1) Worn Tire Wear Bars. When the tread is completely worn, tire wear bars become more obvious. They are the width of a pencil and run across the base of the tread from side to side. They are the most obvious once the tread depth reaches 2/32.” The tread being worn down to the treadwear when the tire is no longer safe or legal for use and must be replaced an indicator.
2) Tire Tread is Low. If you suspect the tread is heavily worn, you may check the tread with this simple and effective tread inspection at home.
– Along its edge into a groove so it touches the bottom in the tire’s tread, place a penny.
– After it is placed into the tread, the penny should allow Lincoln’s head.
– The tire should be replaced, if the top of Lincoln’s head is fully visible, the tire’s tread depth is at or below 2/32” (the legal minimum).
3) Tire Bulges & Cracks. You should perform an overall visual inspection of your tires periodically should you feel or hear anything unusual from them when driving. What you need to look for are any cuts or cracks deep enough that there is exposed steel belts or body cord. Look for unusual bulges in the tread or sidewalls. If you are ever unsure, have professional inspect the tires.
Can Bald Tires Cause Car Accidents?
When driving on bald tires can result in vehicle damage can be risky as well costly, it can cause either tire failure or loss of vehicle control. You can prevent unnecessary expenses and risks by replacing bald tires immediately.
1) Loss of Control & Hydroplaning. It increases the chances of skidding or hydroplaning, possible accidents, needed repairs, and hefty insurance costs can be expected when driving on bald tires in the rain.
2) Faulty Braking. A vehicle’s brakes are trusted to work, no matter the speed while driving. When driving on anything other than a perfectly smooth road free of sand, dirt and debris, bald tires compromise, your brakes’ ability to stop by providing reduced traction. Poor braking efficiency increases the chance of being involved in an accident in addition to unwanted repair costs.
3) Tire Punctures. Bald tires are more easily punctured due to the lack of remaining tread. In addition to the possibility of a flat tire, a puncture could cause a blowout is feasible which rises the probability of losing of control of your vehicle.
Is it Bad to Drive on Bald Tires?
Since we depend on our tires for our safety when driving, it is critical that the tires are taken care of properly. To help extend their tread life, make to check your tires’ tread and keep them properly maintained.
Towing & Roadside Assistance in San Mateo, San Francisco, Daly City & Colma, CA | Greater Bay Area of California
When you have a problem with your tires on the road in the Greater San Francisco, CA area, you can trust in Calderon Tow & Auto to provide tire change or a tow if necessary.